Self-determination theory, which is a general approach used to explain well-being, motivation and personality development, is also one of the most utilized theoretical framework in parenting research in recent years. The aim of this study is to review parenting research which is conducted with self-determination theory perspective and to provide a summary of current discussions to the Turkish literature. In this respect, psychological control and autonomy support which are two parenting practices frequently examined in researches are discussed. This review is structured into six main sections. In the first part, main propositions of self-determination theory regarding parenting are reviewed. In the second part, researches examining the relationships between controlling and autonomy supportive parenting are discussed. This section also includes explanations and discussions on the nature of parenting practices based on the findings mentioned. In the third and fourth parts, the developmental consequences of the parenting practices on children and adolescents are reviewed. In the fifth part, researches about antecedents of parenting, in other words, why mothers and fathers exhibit current parenting behaviors are reviewed. In the last part, current research agendas on parenting practices and research recommendations for future research are discussed.
Keywords: Self-determination theory, parenting, autonomy support, psychological control