Abstract Romantic Love Myths Questionnaire (RLMQ) developed by Lara ve Gomez-Urrutia (2019) evaluates young people’s beliefs in romantic love myths. The aim of this study is to adapt RLMQ to Turkish and to examine its psychometric characteristics. The participants consisted of 300 students (216 women and 84 men) with a mean age of 21.18 (SD = 1.88) from a state university. Romantic Love Myths Questionnaire (RLMQ), The Turkish Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scale-Revised (IPVAS-R), and Perceived Romantic Relationship Quality Scale (PRRQS) were use as data collection tools. Construct validity of RLMQ Turkish form is tested with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and bivariate correlation analyses between romantic love myths, perceived romantıic relationship quality, attitudes toward intimate partner violence are used to examine the convergent validity. CFA results point out that RLMQ Turkish form has two factor structure (idealization and love–abuse) just like the original form. In the reliability study, the Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was calculated as .74 for the idealization dimension and .76 for the love-abuse dimension, while the McDonald’s omega reliability coefficients were found as .76 and .77, respectively. Test-retest reliability coefficient was found as .79 for idealization dimension and .72 for love-abuse dimension. The findings of the study show that RLMQ Turkish form is a valid and reliable instrument to evaluate the beliefs in romantic love myths in emerging adulthood.
Romantic love, myths, scale adaptation